Operation Round Up Approves Five Grants
On September 12, 2017 the board of trustees for Operation Round Up, a community service program of Heartland REMC, approved five grants. The following grant applications were approved:
Pathfinder Services -- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program $750
Wabash Friends Counseling Center – Technology Update $1,228.95
Learn More Center – Materials and Marketing Motivation $1000
Wabash Women’s Clubhouse – Technology Update $1000
Lagro Canal Foundation – Site Security $1,726.50
These grants are made possible by the generosity of Heartland REMC members. Members who elect to participate in Operation Round Up have their monthly electric bill rounded up to the next dollar amount. The change collected from all the participating members is transferred to the Operation Round Up program each month. The funds are then dispersed by the board of trustees who meet on a regular basis to review the grant applications.
Locals who are interested in pursuing a grant must complete a grant application form and submit it to the trustees of the Heartland REMC Trust for review. The next deadline for grant submissions is December 5, 2017. Organizations can find more information about Operation Round Up, as well as, grant applications at www.heartlandremc.com.
The Lagro Canal Foundation receives a grant from Operation Round. From left to right: Jane Swanquist, Deborah Strange, Lagro Canal Foundation Vice President, Monica Sparling, Operation Round Up Trustee, Beth Gillespie, Lagro Canal Foundation President, Lavonne Sparling and Deb Conner.